ADV, as Data Controller, informs that – pursuant to art. 13 of Law Decree no. 196/2003 (Data Protection Act) – this website uses cookies.
This information describes the characteristics of the cookies in use and how ADV uses them, pursuant to Order of the Data Protection Authority (“Garante della Privacy”) of 8 May 2014.
The information relates to the website alone and not to other browsed websites that might be visited or that the user has accessed through links that might be present on this website.

A. What cookies are and how they work
Cookies are small text files that the websites browsed by users send to the latter’s computers and are usually saved in the browser’s folders to be subsequently retransmitted to the same websites at the users’ subsequent visit.
Thanks to cookies ADV snc’s server receives information that is read and updated every time users go back to ADV’s website.
Cookies contain at least the following information:
– the server (or domain) that generated them;
– their lifespan (or expiry date);
– a unique identification code;
– a unique value.

B. What are cookies used for?
Cookies facilitate browsing within the website and improve users’ surfing experience. Furthermore, cookies provide the website manager with anonymous information on other users’ browsing habits, also to obtain statistical data on the use of the website.
The information collected can also be used to build the profile of the preferences expressed by users while browsing, in order to customise advertising messages.

C. Types of cookies Cookies can be subdivided into the
following categories: Technical cookies and User profiling cookies.

C.1 Technical cookies
Technical cookies allow the website to function properly, but users can decide to turn off cookies, changing their browser settings, considering that turning off cookies might prevent access to some of the website functions.
Technical cookies can be broken down into:

Browsing or session cookies
They are required to browse a website using all its functions (such as for example maintaining a session and accessing reserved areas) and do not collect information to be used for commercial purposes. Without such cookies it would be impossible to provide the services required.

Functional cookies
They allow users to browse a website based on a series of selected criteria (e.g. language of the websites) and in this way they facilitate browsing. The information collected through these cookies is anonymous.

Analytics cookies
They are similar to technical cookies if directly used by the website manager to collect aggregated information on the number of users and how these navigate through the website. They are used to optimize website management. The information collected by these cookies does not allow to identify the user. Enabling technical cookies does not require the user’s prior consent whilst it is mandatory to provide information pursuant to art. 13 of the Code.
Collecting and processing data deriving from the use of technical cookies is mandatory to browse the website. Should the user choose to refuse cookies, the website will not operate correctly and the user will not be able to see the website fully and correctly.

C.2 User profiling cookies
These cookies allow to obtain information on the user’s preferences which are then used to send advertising messages that are in line with the profile and preferences recorded during the user’s navigation. User profiling cookies cannot be enabled on users’ computers if these have not been adequately informed in advance and have not granted a valid consent in that respect.

D. The cookies used by ADV

Technical Browsing / Session
Technical Functionality
Third party Analytics – Monitoring system and analysis of web traffic
provided by Google Universal Analytics
User profiling None

E. Disabling and removing cookies
The settings of the browser used by the user to navigate allow for both the removal of cookies and the possibility of avoiding that cookies are enabled on the electronic device used.
Here below are the instructions provided to ADV’s users to prevent that cookies are enabled by each of the main providers.
To limit, block or remove cookies it is sufficient to change your browser’s settings.
The procedure is slightly different depending on the type of browser used. For detailed instructions please follow your browser’s guide.
– Internet Explorer
– Firefox
– Google Chrome
– Safari iOS (iPhone, iPad, iPod touch)

E. 1 Microsoft Internet Explorer
1. Click on the “Tools” menu in the upper area of the browser’s window
2. Select “Internet options” and then click on the “Privacy” tab;
3. To enable cookies, the Privacy level must set to “Medium” or below;
by setting the Privacy level above “Medium” the use of cookies is disabled.
4. To activate the “Third-party cookie” option select the “Advanced” button in the “Privacy” section, flag the “Replace automatic cookie handling”, confirm the “Accept” default option under “Third party cookies” and save by clicking on OK. Alternatively, if users do not wish to authorize third party cookies they can simply select “Block” and confirm by clicking on OK. If users want to accept third-party cookies as and when desired, they can select the “ask for confirmation” option and then click on OK.

E.2 MozillaFirefox
1. Click on “Tools” in the upper part of the browser window then select “Options”;
2. Select the “Privacy” icon and, under “Remember history”, flag the “Accept cookies from sites” to accept them or remove the flag to disable the cookies (in this way no cookies will be installed, including third-party ones)
3. To enable also third-party cookies, click on “Accept cookies from sites” (see point above) and select the “Always” button or “From visited websites” which appears on the pull-down menu; conversely, if users do not wish to enable third-party cookies, they must select the “Never” option from the same pull-down menu.

E.3 Google Chrome
1. Click on the Chrome menu and select “Settings”.
2. In the lower part of the page, click on Advanced settings.
3. In the “Privacy” section, click on Content settings.
4. To enable or disable cookies:
a. to enable cookies, select “Allow local data to be set” (recommended).
b. to disable cookies select “Block sites from setting any data”.
5. To prevent third-party cookies, in the same “Privacy” section, also select the “Block third-party cookies and site data” option
6. Click Done.

E.4 Safari (iPhone, iPad, iPod touch)
1. Click on “Settings”, select “Safari”
2. Select “Privacy and Security”, then the “Block cookies” option
3. Select the “Always” option to prevent cookies from being installed.
Further details on cookies are available on:

F. Disabling user-profiling cookies on a permanent basis

Internet Explorer 9 or upper version
1. Click on “Tools” in the upper part of the browser window
2. Select “Options” and then “Privacy”
3. Change the “Privacy” setting to “High”.

Firefox 5 or upper version
1. Go to the Options menu then click on Privacy
2. Select the “Tell sites I do not want to be tracked” option

Google Chrome
1. Open Chrome and go to the Settings menu
2. Click on “ Show advanced settings….” in the lower part of the page.
3. Under Privacy, flag the “Block sites from tracking any data” option.
G. Third-party cookies

While browsing the websites cookies of other websites might be enabled; these are cookies that can be accessed via the website but that are handled by other subjects (third parties). In this case, the owner of the website (ADV) simply acts as an technical between the user and these websites.